Given a n-order system, \( X^{(n)} = f(X) + g(X) u \), transform it into a first order dynamics using a variable \( s \). \( s \) satisfies the following 2 properties,
Choose control such that \( s = 0 \) once the states reach sliding manifold.
For \( n = 2 \), say a system is given by,
$$ \ddot{x} = f(x) + g(x)u $$We wish to drive \( x \rightarrow x_d \) and \( \dot{x} \rightarrow \dot{x}_d \). Choose \( s \) such that
$$ s = \lambda (x - x_d ) + ( \dot{x} - \dot{x}_d)=\lambda e+ \dot{e}$$For a general \( n \) order system, the sliding variable can be selected as,
$$ s = \left( \frac{d}{dt} + \lambda \right)^{n-1} e $$Note in the expressions above, \( e \) can be considered as a filter response to input \( s \), therefore if \( s \rightarrow 0 \), then \( x \rightarrow 0 \).
For a general n-dimension system, \( s= 0\) represents a hyperplane in the \( n-1 \) that passes through the origin (or desired point) depending on the variable representation.
Say we are able to bound the sliding variables \( s \) such that \( |s|\leq \phi \) after some transient dynamics. We are interested in the bounds on the error \( e \) when \(|s| \leq \phi \). We will consider a second order system first, in this case, the sliding variable is given by,
$$ s = \dot{e} + \lambda e $$ $$ \lambda exp(\lambda t) e + exp(\lambda t) \frac{de}{dt} = exp(\lambda t) s $$$$ \frac{d(exp(\lambda t)e)}{dt} = exp(\lambda t) s $$$$ d(exp(\lambda t)e) = exp(\lambda t) s dt $$Integrating between \( t_f \) and \( 0 \) gives,
$$e(T) = e(0) exp(-\lambda T) + \int_0^T exp(-\lambda (T-t)) s dt $$We will study the boundedness of \( e(T) \) as \( T \rightarrow \infty \). As \( T \) becomes large, \( exp(-\lambda T) \rightarrow 0 \), for \( \lambda >0 \). Therefore, the first term is bounded, we will investigate the second term only. As \(|s| \leq \phi \),
$$ \int_0^T exp(-\lambda (T-t)) s dt \leq \phi \int_0^T exp(-\lambda (T-t)) dt$$Integrating the term on the right gives,
$$ \frac{\phi}{\lambda} (1-exp(-\lambda T)) \leq \frac{\phi}{\lambda} $$Therefore, the error \( e \) is bounded by \( \phi/\lambda \). We can show that for a n-dimension system, the error is bounded by,
$$ e \leq \frac{\phi}{\lambda^{n-1}} $$Therefore, if we are able design a control that ensures \( s \leq \phi \) we are assued due to sliding variable that \( e \leq \frac{\phi}{\lambda^{n-1}} \).
Say we are intersted in controlling a second order system given by,
$$ \ddot{x} = f(x,\dot{x}) + g(x,\dot{x}) u $$Once we design the sliding variable, we can design control based to drive \( s \rightarrow 0 \). Define a Lyapunov function \( L \) as,
$$ L = \frac{1}{2}s^2 $$Taking derivative gives,
$$ \dot{L} = s \dot{s} $$Therefore, if we choose \( u \) such that \( s \dot{s} < 0 \) always, then the \( s \rightarrow 0 \). The derivative of Lyapunov can we written as,
$$ \dot{L} = s ( \ddot{x} + \lambda \dot{x}) = s ( f(x,\dot{x}) + g(x,\dot{x}) u + \lambda \dot{x})$$choosing \( u = - g(x,\dot{x})^{-1} (f(x,\dot{x}) + \lambda \dot{x} + \eta sign(s))\)
$$ \dot{L} = - \eta |s| $$Consider the example of a system given by,
$$ \ddot{x} + 1.5 \dot{x}^2cos(3x) = u $$with \( 1 \leq a(t) \leq 2 \), we would like to convert this to a first order system. Lets define a sliding variable \( s\),
$$ s = \dot{x} + \lambda x $$as \( x \) is a first order response to \( s \). \(s \) satisfies,
Therefore, \( s \) is a valid choice for sliding variable.
Choose the Lyapunov, \( L \) as
$$ L = \frac{1}{2} s^2 $$Taking derivative of \( L \) gives,
$$ \dot{L} = s \dot{s} =s ( \ddot{x} + \lambda \dot{x}) = s (u - 1.5 \dot{x}^2cos(3x)) + \lambda x $$Choosing \( u = 1.5 \dot{x}^2cos(3x)) - \lambda x - \eta sign(s) \). gives,
$$ \dot{L} = - \eta |s|$$clc
close all
clear all
x(:,1) = [1;1];
dt = 0.01;
lambda = 1;
eta = 5;
for i = 2:2000,
s(i) = x(2,i-1)+lambda*x(1,i-1);
u(i) = 1.5*x(2,i-1)^2*cos(3*x(1,i-1)) - lambda*x(1,i-1) - eta*sign(s(i));
x(1,i) = x(1,i-1) + dt*(x(2,i-1));
x(2,i) = x(2,i-1) + dt*(u(i) - 1.5*cos(3*x(1,i-1)));
hold on
Conside the second order true system system that is given by
$$ \ddot{x} = f(x,\dot{x}) + g(x,\dot{x}) u $$and say the approximate system we know is given by,
$$ \ddot{x} = \hat{f}(x,\dot{x}) + g(x,\dot{x}) u $$such that \( |f - \hat{f}| \leq F \). Sliding mode control lends itself very well to such problems. The technique to design control is similar. We first choose a sliding variable, \( s = \dot{x} + \lambda x \). Similar to process above, we define a Lyapunov,
$$ L = \frac{1}{2} s^2 $$Taking derivative gives,
$$ \dot{L} = s \dot{s} = s(f(x,\dot{x}) + g(x,\dot{x}) u + \lambda \dot{x}) $$Now, we do not know \( f(x,\dot{x}) \) accurately, so we can use estimate of \( f \) for designing control instead of the true \( f (x,\dot{x})\). Choosing \( u = - g(x,\dot{x})^{-1} ( \ \hat{f}(x,\dot{x}) +F + \lambda \dot{x} + \eta sign(s) )\) gives,
$$ \dot{L} = s(f(x,\dot{x}) -\hat{f}(x,\dot{x}) -F - \eta sign(s)) $$As \( |f - \hat{f}| \leq F \),
$$ \dot{L} \leq s( - \eta sign(s)) $$Therefore, the choice of control \( u = - g(x,\dot{x})^{-1} ( \ \hat{f}(x,\dot{x}) +F + \lambda \dot{x} + \eta sign(s) )\) drives \( s \rightarrow 0 \).
Consider the example of a system given by,
$$ \ddot{x} + a(t) \dot{x}^2cos(3x) = u $$with \( 1 \leq a(t) \leq 2 \), we would like to control this sytem so \( x \rightarrow 0 \). As we do not know \( a(t) \) precisely, we choose an estimate as, \( 1.5 \dot{x}^2cos(3x) \). Therefore,
$$ f - \hat{f} = (a(t)-1.5) x^2 cos(3x) \leq .5x^2|cos(3x)|$$We will now define a sliding variable, \( s \) as,
$$ s = \dot{x} + \lambda x $$$$ L = \frac{1}{2} s^2 $$Taking derivative of Lyapunov,
$$ \dot{L} = s (\ddot{x} + \lambda \dot{x} )= s((u - a(t) \dot{x}^2cos(3x)) + \lambda x ) $$As we do not know \( a(t) \) precisely, we can replace it with an estimate, \( 1.5 \dot{x}^2cos(3x) \)
Therefore, choosing \( u = 1.5 \dot{x}^2 cos(3x) - .5x^2|cos(3x)|- \lambda x - \eta sign(s) \) gives,
$$ \dot{L} = s( (1.5 - a(t) ) \dot{x}^2cos(3x)- .5x^2|cos(3x)| - \eta sign(s) ) $$$$\dot{L} \leq s( - \eta sign(s) ) \leq \eta |s| $$clc
close all
clear all
x(:,1) = [1;1];
dt = 0.01;
lambda = 1;
eta = 5;
for i = 2:2000,
s(i) = x(2,i-1)+lambda*x(1,i-1);
u(i) = 1.5*x(2,i-1)^2*cos(3*x(1,i-1)) - lambda*x(1,i-1) - eta*sign(s(i));
x(1,i) = x(1,i-1) + dt*(x(2,i-1));
a = 1+rand;
x(2,i) = x(2,i-1) + dt*(u(i) - a*cos(3*x(1,i-1)));
hold on
This can result in chattering, when the control switches quickly around the sliding surface.
Chattering can be avoided by including a smoother transition across zero, by using a sigmoid (tanh) type of function, however, this results in a scenario where the controller may not drive the sliding variable to zero precisely, but to a neighborhood of zero.
x = -1:.01:1;
axis([-1 1 -1.1 1.1])
close all
clear all
x(:,1) = [1;1];
dt = 0.01;
lambda = 1;
eta = 5;
for i = 2:2000,
s(i) = x(2,i-1)+lambda*x(1,i-1);
u(i) = 1.5*x(2,i-1)^2*cos(3*x(1,i-1)) - lambda*x(1,i-1) - eta*tanh(20*s(i));
x(1,i) = x(1,i-1) + dt*(x(2,i-1));
a = 1+rand;
x(2,i) = x(2,i-1) + dt*(u(i) - a*cos(3*x(1,i-1)));
hold on